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Posts in Arts and Entrepreneurship
I Took My Students' Melody...And Did This

I surprised my music students this morning.

On Friday I had my Arts Entrepreneurship students give me random notes between A and G.

We came up with this 10-note melody (see the whiteboard image).

I surprised them with this track this morning. They had no idea I was going to produce a track based on our little insignificant composition.

We're calling it "MVP (Maximum Vibes Possible)," and we are going to run an experiment: how many plays can we get before the end of the term?

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The Humbug and the Nightingale: What we can learn about music promotion from P. T. Barnum

In a brand new academic article published by Musical Quarterly, I tell the story of how P. T. Barnum used strategies of branding to create the most successful music tour of the 19th century. The singer he brought to America was Jenny Lind. Lind was already a star in Europe, but was relatively unknown in America before signing a contract with Barnum.

Barnum did something unprecedented:

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How to Identify Potential Mentors, for Music Professionals

There are few resources in your career more valuable than a trusted mentor. In this post I will share with you: 

  • What is a mentor, who needs one, and why?
  • Two short quizzes (one question each) that will give you my personalized recommendations for where to look for your next potential mentor, based on your career stage and situation.
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Yoda Would Never Say This to Young Musicians (On Arts and Entrepreneurship)

Yoda would never say this to a young musician apprentice:

“Are you an artist or an entrepreneur? Choose you must.”

He also wouldn’t say: 

“Anger, fear, entrepreneurship. The dark side of the Force are they.”

But he might say: 

“You must unlearn what you have learned.”

When I was growing up, practicing my Bach and Chopin...

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