On Time
“Time,” Winston Churchill said, “is one thing that can never be retrieved. One may lose and regain friends. One may lose and regain money. Opportunity, once spurned, may come again. But the hours that are lost in idleness can never be brought back to be used in gainful pursuits.”
To be a creator—a musician, artist, writer—is to fight endlessly to protect your creative time.
Here, at the beginning of a new week, I want to share with you some quotes on time. Not to scare or shame you into hustling more. Not to stress you into productivity, but to offer you a moment of reflection.
To set your perspective.
"It is not enough to be busy,” Thoreau wrote; “so are the ants. The question is: What are we busy about?”
So look through these quotes and allow them to spark reflection. Are you moving your most important projects forward, or being pinned down by busyness? Are you gaining control of your time, or losing control?
If one or two of these thoughts strikes true for you, print them out and keep them in your workspace. Or print them all out and keep them ready in your hour of need. Choose one to be your theme for the week, or choose one per day (or per hour) to keep you focused.
Let these thoughts on time set your perspective on your work this week.
Do What's Essential
“ ‘If you seek tranquility, do less.’ Or, more accurately, do what’s essential. What the logos of a social being requires, and in the requisite way. Which brings a double satisfaction: to do less, better.
“Because most of what we say and do is not essential. If you eliminate it, you’ll have more time, and more tranquility. Ask yourself every moment, “Is this necessary?”
“But we need to eliminate unnecessary assumptions as well. To eliminate the unnecessary actions that follow.” Marcus Aurelius, Meditations 4.24
The Real Challenge
“Time management is a misnomer, the challenge is to manage ourselves.” Stephen Covey
Just Start
“The fool is always getting ready to live.” Seneca
Practice Will Make You Better
“No matter what you do, practice will make you better…. It won’t be easy, but in that burden is also freedom and confidence. The pleasure of the flow state. The rhythm of second nature. The quiet calmness of knowing that, from the practice, you’ll know exactly what to do when it counts.” (Ryan Holiday, Discipline Is Destiny, 60, 61)
What Should We Work For?
“Everything fades so quickly, turns to legend, and soon oblivion covers it…
“Then what should we work for?
“Only this: proper understanding; unselfish action; truthful speech. A resolve to accept whatever happens as necessary and familiar, flowing like water from that same source and spring.” Marcus Aurelius, Meditations4.33
This Brief Instant
"Each of us lives only now, this brief instant. The rest has been lived already, or is impossible to see." Marcus Aurelius, Meditations 3.9.
Is This What I Was Created For?
“Or is this what I was created for? To huddle under the blankets and stay warm?” Marcus Aurelius, Meditations 5.1
One Link at a Time
“It is a mistake to look too far ahead. Only one link of the chain of destiny can be handled at a time.” Winston Churchill
Remember, do not fear time. Don’t let the fleetingness of time make you frantic. Let it give you perspective to work on the things that matter. Let that perspective give you the courage to stop being busy like ants, and instead do less, better. Meditate on your most important goals and make progress on them every day this week.
This article was originally sent to my email list subscribers on The Creative Process Newsletter. Enter your email below to join other creators and get insights every Monday. 👇 Want to see past editions first? Click here.