Writing and Videos

Music and branding, research, teaching, music.

Creators: Remember This Quote When You Just Can’t Start

For creators, sometimes the hardest thing is just to start.

We plan, we prepare, we tidy up. Maybe I need to build a better chapter template for my book. Maybe I need to do more research. Maybe I need to go to the store to get different paints. Maybe I should search for a new sonic plugin that will really make this track sound great. I think if I could just tweak my desk setup, I could really get some good work done. Maybe I should wash the walls of my house.

Anything to avoid the pain of starting.

Some planning can help you fly further when doing your creative deep work. But too often, planning can be an excuse. Planning and tweaking is tangible, tractable, satisfying—and deadly to your creative production.

You can spend a whole week of your life planning, only to look up and realize that you never started. Weeks turn into months, months to years.

What can we do when we are stuck in a spiral of never-ending planning? Step back and get perspective. We need someone to give us a push, to administer some tough love.

We need to remember the words of the philosopher Seneca, who wrote, “the fool is always getting ready to live.”

Or as Ryan Holiday has put it—“the fool is always getting ready to start.”

When looked at with the clear eyes of awareness, the foolishness of over-planning is unmasked.

So, open up that document and start writing from where you left off. Mix the paints you have and create something unexpected. Compose with the tools you have on hand. The limits will free your creativity.

So gather your materials. Set an objective. Drink a glass of water.

And just start.


Many creatives, including writers, musicians, filmmakers, and artists, struggle with inconsistency in their creative flow. I designed the online video course Creative Flow on Schedule to teach you how to build a creative deep work routine, so that you can summon and harness your creative energies—every day.

If you are ready to learn how to supercharge your creative production, head over to Skillshare to enroll in this 45-minute video course. Use this link to get one free month of Skillshare.

What You'll Learn

  • A step-by-step method for creating a personalized Creative Deep Work routine

  • What "deep work" is, why it is rare and valuable, and how to do more of it

  • The three phases of a routine that encourage creative flow

  • How to "check your compass" so that you move closer to your artistic goals

  • How to design a sequence of actions that will prepare your physical space, mind, and emotions for creativity

  • Three questions to ask at the end of every deep work session that will help you stay on course and reach your artistic goals faster

  • And much more!

Take the course and get one free month of Skillshare by using this link: Creative Flow on Schedule.