Branding for Musicians in Eugene
Branding for Musicians workshop at the University of Oregon. Photo by Erin Zysett.
What a great feeling it was to be back in Eugene! I got to meet and work with students at the University of Oregon and NHCC, gave two music branding workshops and one guest lecture on South African pop and Graceland, got to reconnect with great friends, and even had a big bow of Thai food. It doesn't get much better than that! Thanks to Lori Kruckenberg at the UO for bringing me down, and a huge thanks to Eliot Grasso for organizing and publicizing the whole thing so expertly!
At the University of Oregon, the audience contained musicians, but also students from the journalism school, business school, advertising program, and even interior architecture! Plus recent grads and businesspeople from the community. At NHCC, we had musicians, actors, and photographers. What a rare gathering.