Writing and Videos

Music and branding, research, teaching, music.

Tech Teaching Tools

I'm attending the Experiential Classroom, a workshop on developing teaching strategies for entrepreneurship. One session is on teaching with technology. Here are the tools they recommend, posted here for attendees, or for teachers to check out on their own.

Teaching Tools:

Bitly: www.bitly.com

Biz model fiddle: www.bmfiddle.com

Jing: www.techsmith.com/jing.html

Mindomo: www.mindomo.com

Murally: www.mural.ly

Piazza: www.piazza.com

Slack: www.slack.com

Soundcloud: www.soundcloud.com

Storify: www.storify.com

Voicethread: www.voicethread.com

Have you used these tools? Tell me about your experience in the comments.

Mark Samples