
How to Read and Understand Any Assignment Quickly

Mark Samples

Reading Resources

I compiled the following resources specifically for CWU students. Feel free to contact me with questions.

Reading Depth Chart

This chart will help you determine how in-depth you need to go when reading a particular passage, and help you answer the question: "When can I stop reading?"

Reading Checklist

When you have a reading passage you need to understand for a class or for research, print out this checklist and go through the items one by one. By the end, you'll be done with the reading assignment, and you can be confident that you have understood the material.

30-Minute Reading Result Worksheet

Here is another approach to reading a passage, which overlaps with the Reading Checklist. Use both to see which you like better. Fill out this worksheet before you start reading, and complete your assignment faster. The worksheet will force you to be more consistently thoughtful and efficient with your reading.